How to place an order

1st »Search for items

The shop shows in upper part the search engine where you can search for an article. The existing sections or categories are also presented on the left margin. Clicking on the categories will appear in the central part the different subcategories that depend on it. 

On the page of each category or subcategory you will see products on offer or recommended selected by Shop On-line. 

Clicking on an article you will access the description of that product with detailed information about it, its photograph and its price in euros.

2nd »Add items to your basket

To add any item to your basket you have to click on the button [buy] or the icon that represents a shopping basket.

You can always see your basket by clicking on the link [see basket] that appears in the MiniCart. While browsing the store, the MiniCart is always displayed, which gives you a summary of the status of your basket. Once in the basket you can modify the units of an item, remove items and see the amount of your order. 

You can also add items to the basket from your personal area "your orders", area where your data is reflected and the history of purchases. Each of the listed orders has a link ready to include the items of that order in the current basket and thus save browsing time by the store if you have to repeat an order already made previously. Of course in the basket you can make the necessary modifications to adjust your new order.

3rd »Identify yourself

The next step will be to identify yourself with your email and password.

4th »Finish your order

Once you have verified that all the data is correct, you must click on the [End Order] button to confirm and close the order. After this a screen will be displayed in which you will be told the order number assigned to your purchase and other details of it.

The prices are valid except for errors or omissions.
Prices may vary without prior notice.


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